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Poetry Dedicated to Su Lan (English edition e-Audio-Book) [download for Windows OS]

We still remember,
remember that woman in purple dress, called Su Lan,
who loved the poetry most;
who loved to take photos most;
and who was the best to tell stories...

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We still remember,
remember that woman in purple dress, called Su Lan,
who loved the poetry most;
who loved to take photos most;
and who was the best to tell stories...

Poetry Dedicated to Su Lan

English Poetry e-Audio-Book

=== 中文版詩集介紹連結 Chinese edition e-Audio-Book link ===

We still remember,
Remember that woman in purple dress, called Su Lan, who loved the poetry most; who loved to take photos most; and who was the best to tell stories...

We still remember,
An elementary public school principle, Shi Xuan, read out his poems at her funeral. Those were only a few of them, that he wrote to comfort her in her death bed...

It is a loving dedication,
By her close friend, Jessica, pushed the poems to be published and took the challenge to translate them into English...

It is a loving dedication.
By her poetry-reading students to read out the poems in the recording room and by her followers to select photos and music to go with the reading...

All the memory and dedication is the source and soul of this e-audio-book.

Translator's Preface

I was introduced to Shi-Xuan in Hua Lien by my dear friend Su Lan in April 2012. "Jacky is a poet, and also an elementary school principal," she told me.

During that trip, Su Lan read his poems to me in her weak and tender voice and the poems touched me deeply. Therefore, it wasn't difficult to agree to her later, when she asked me: "Would you help me to push him to write when I am gone; he can write beautiful poems."

One day, I translated a few poems into English for my foreign friends. The dedicating process of looking for and deciding on the English words was a challenge that I found incredibly enjoyable.

Su Lan has now been gone for more than two years, but I know that if she knew this poem collection is published, she would be overjoyed.

Ebook Preview

Poetry Dedicated to Su Lan (preview version)

Product Details

Poems by Chang Shi-Xuan
English language translated by Jessica Lu
Photos by Lillian Sung
Language: English
Series: Collection of poems
Publisher: Charng Jinn Digital Co., Ltd
Published Date: July 1st, 2014
ISBN: 9789865675349
Age Range: 9-99 years


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