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  爵士樂器進駐PChome囉!!各項樂器陸續低價登場,百坪實體店面應有盡有 地址:台南市東豐路203號
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獲得現金積點:164 (1點=1元) 說明
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【爵士樂器】新款 TAMA 原廠公司貨 HP910LWN 大鼓雙踏 附原廠硬盒

新款 TAMA 原廠公司貨 HP910LWN 大鼓雙踏 附原廠硬盒
建議售價 $15980
一次付清特價 16400
30利率 每期$5466 接受29家銀行
60利率 每期$2733 接受29家銀行
120利率 每期$1366 接受28家銀行
15 每期$1209 接受6家銀行
24 每期$768 接受14家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受18家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
先享後付 最長45天內付款!

先享後付 最長45天內付款!


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跨店分期0利率 3期/6期
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單店購物車滿 399 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 120***
商品所在地 台南市

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Long Footboard

A specially designed pedal board for the Speed Cobra series. By designing the footboard longer than Iron Cobra, it rapidly accelerates the power and speed of the beater stroke, with less physical effort than ever before. Additionally, the smoother playing surface reduces friction between your foot and the footboard, allowing more precise control and flexibility.

Rolling Glide LiteSprocket

Weighing in at 40% less than our previous Iron Cobra cam, the round, Rolling Glide "LiteSprocket" revolves naturally and smoothly, contributing to a lighter more responsive feel.

Accu-Strike Cobra Beater

The new Cobra Beater was developed to bring out maximum potential of a bass drum. Butadiene Rubber has unique characteristics. It offers strong resistance to wear, lighter weight and providing consistent and articulate sound with strong attack. And because of the thicker rubber part, the sound is fat yet focused even at lower volumes.

Super Spring

The newly developed Super Spring needs less exertion in the beginning of pedal action. When the beater rebounds from the bass drum head, you can easily feel a quicker response, and by adjusting the Cobra Coil underneath the footboard, you can acquire a smoother feel.

Cobra Coil (US. PAT.NO.7408104)

The Cobra Coil is a steel spring which assists in the return of the footboard to its original position, so the feel of Speed Cobra becomes even more unreal. Even better, the Cobra Coil can be adjusted to different positions, forward or backward, on the base plate.

Vari-Pitch Beater Holder

Vari-Pitch beater angle adjustments are completely independent of the footboard angle. The Speedo-Ring allows you to adjust the angle of the footboard link independently of the beater angle. And with the combination of the Speedo-Ring and the Vari-Pitch, you can achieve any kind of stroke and enjoy improved playability.

Oiles® Bearing Hinge (US. PAT.NO.6100460)

Offering even less friction than standard ball bearing, Oiles® bearings also eliminate side-to-side motion and provide superior durability (which is why they're used in the aerospace industry).
(Oiles® bearings is a registered trademark of the Oiles Co.,Ltd.)

Para-Clamp II Pro (US. PAT.NO.6011208)

TAMA now introduces Para-Clamp II -an even more clever and useful version of the popular original. The Para-Clamp II is capable of gripping the widest variety o drum hoops ever. The improvement is largely due to its newly designed three-dimensional rubber grip. Holding power is increased and the possibility of scratching the hoop is eliminated. Furthermore, set-up and breakdown are easily facilitated, while sitting on a throne because the T-bolt of the Para-Clamp II Pro is on the side of the footboard, rather than under it.

Swivel Spring Tight (US.PAT.NO.9236038)

Super Stabilizer Design

During our detailed study of previous pedal concepts, we observed that under the stress of aggressive performance, pedals actually sway from side to side, which undermines efficiency. By widening the frame, the pedal's overall structure is expanded. The supports that hold the revolving shaft are 15mm wider, and the under-plate is about 12mm wider than the previous Cobra.

Hinge Guard Block

We've changed the construction of the Bearing Hinge on the footplate from a one-piece assembly to two pieces, which holds the bearing more evenly—minimizing stress, and maximizing smoothness, while adding to the pedal's sense of power.

Hardshell Carrying Case

The pedals come standard with a specially designed hard carrying case.

The conventional approach to the spring assembly (including previous Iron Cobra Pedals) has been to anchor the bottom of the spring while the top of the spring is being pulled from various angles throughout the pedal's cycle. But a spring being pulled on at an angle represents wasted energy and causes turbulence. The Swivel Spring Tight assembly solves this problem, recapturing that lost energy and optimizing smoothness through the use of a contoured assembly that allows the base to swivel freely with the spring. This enables a straight spring pull during the pedal's entire cycle, resulting in the smoothest, lightest action ever found on a bass drum pedal.

Recessed Setting

To continuously play fast passages, your pedal action has to feel light for less stress and muscle fatigue. The Recessed Setting position makes it possible to achieve a perfect balance between the natural playing feel of the Chain Drive's motion and lighter action. According to physical theorem, wider angle (θ) between the force of stepping on the footboard (F1) and the force of pulling the chain from the sprocket (F2) makes less power of F1 if the same F2 power is required. To utilize this theorem, we set up the footboard placement with the best balance between natural action and lighter motion. Also by changing the bearing's framework structure, this produces less stress on the FASTBALL bearing and makes a huge difference in the total feel. As a result, about 20% less exertion is required to produce the same result in power and feel found in existing current models (PAT.PENDING).


Tama eliminated another source of friction by replacing the traditional nylon rocker cam with the Speedo-Ring, a rocker cam with a high quality built-in ball bearing rocker. The Quick-Hook not only allows for easy set up and tear down but provides a compact pedal that you can place in the hard case without taking off the beater.


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