林建全攝影家玉山登頂成功 Yushan successfully climbed to the top
Photographer Mr. Lin chuen-chuan successfully climbed the main peak of Yushan, the highest peak in Taiwan, in 2007
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right 2020 Lin Chien Chuan Art Co.,Ltd
23°28′12″N 120°57′26″E 台灣海拔3000公尺以上的高山,氣象變化很大晴朗時,視野遼闊心情會很開心,但遇到氣象不佳時,風會很強氣溫又低是會很冷的,所以高山活動氣象與穿著的設備都需時時留意,而且登玉山會有危險的發生。 In Taiwan's high mountains, which are over 3,000 meters above sea level, the weather changes greatly. When the weather is clear, you will have a vast view and you will feel happy. However, when the weather is bad, the wind will be strong and the temperature will be low, so it will be very cold. Therefore, the weather and clothing for mountain activities All equipment requires constant attention, and climbing Yushan may be dangerous.
這張照片是碰到路上有坍方狀況,下車查看路況後順便拍照紀念。 高山攝影裝備是很重要,關係到生命能平安健康的回家,這是拍照的打扮,脖子上掛著手機與測光錶。
這裡是台灣最高的高山公路合歡山上,台灣雪景也是風景攝影的好題材,但雪地活動是需要多次練習的非一次可成的。 This is the highest mountain road in Taiwan, Hehuan Mountain. Taiwan’s snow scenes are also a good subject for landscape photography, but snow activities require multiple practices and cannot be accomplished in one go.
登百岳需好天氣,真的是須靠上天的眷顧,才能安全的完成登頂及平安回家。 Photographer Lin chien-chuan successfully completed the Baiyue Mountain Climbing in Taiwan from 1990 to 2016.
Climbing Baishan Mountain requires good weather, and it really depends on God’s blessing to safely complete the summit and return home safely.
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