Lin Chien Chuan Art , girl and plum blossom 24X30 inch photography works林建全攝影家作品女孩與梅花
Use HASSELBLAD 6X6 medium format film camera for photography
使用HASSELBLAD 6X6中幅底片相機,是世界最精密的德國風景攝影相機。
Photography by Chien-Chuan Lin
Kodak 100VS Professional film photography
建議售價 $7800元 |
一次付清特價 75 折 5900 元
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受18家銀行,
紅利折抵辦法 )
運 費 | 跨店宅配0元免運 單店免運費 商品如需寄送至台灣本島以外,請先行與店家聯繫運費金額 | |
商品所在地 臺北市 |
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Copy right 2020 Lin Chien
Chuan Art Co.,Ltd
座標:23.5633329°N 120.9305556°E
Filmed in 1996 ,at Sinyi Nantou of Taiwan
This photographic work
It was shot by photographer Chien-Chuan Lin himself using top-notch precision photography equipment,.And
the use of artistic concepts in framing and composition, and finally
the use of ingenious photography and years of experience,Press the shutter at the most perfect moment to complete this photographic creation.The work has fine picture quality, elegant composition, beautiful, harmonious and smooth visuals, and bright colors.
In order
to master the three excellent shutter photography masterpieces of time,
location, and people, it is worth buying and collecting.
Original Photography size:200公分X200公分
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