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蒙台威爾第: 歌劇(奧菲歐) 倫達巴洛克樂團 Ensemble Lundabarock / Monteverdi: L'Orfeo

建議售價 $1310
一次付清特價 9 折 1180
3 每期$410 接受25家銀行
6 每期$206 接受25家銀行
12 每期$108 接受25家銀行
15 每期$87 接受6家銀行
24 每期$56 接受13家銀行
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蒙台威爾第: 巴洛克五幕歌劇(奧菲歐) 全集
費德利克.馬姆柏格 指揮

L'Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643) is often described as the first opera. The composer himself used another term for his work, however: 'favola in musica', a musical tale. Taking this as their point of departure, the performers on the present recording place the emphasis on the libretto's direct narrative, and how the music alone is used to express emotions, a music which underpins the plot and the text word for word. To quote the liner notes: 'To modern ears the musical heritage of L'Orfeo is more to be found in the Lieder tradition than in the grand opera of the nineteenth century.'

The tale told by Monteverdi and the members of the three ensembles which bring his score to life, is that of Orpheus, the poet and musician who travels to the Underworld in order to persuade Hades to let his beloved Eurydice return to the living. Under the direction of Fredrik Malmberg, and with Johan Linderoth as their Orfeo, the 38 singers and musicians that make up Ensemble Lundabarock, Hoor Barock and Ensemble Altapunta perform a score which in 1607 was state-of-the-art contemporary. Four full centuries after the first performance in Mantua it remains almost shockingly modern, as in the sound of cornetts and trombones that summon up the spirits of the Underworld or the portrayal of undiluted, raw grief in Orfeo's celebrated aria Possente Spirto.

Disc 1
01 Toccata 1'27
Prologo / Prologue
02 Ritornello. Dal mio Permesso amato 5'36
Atto primo / Act I 16'03
03 In questo lieto e fortunato giorno 1'34
04 Vieni Imeneo, deh vieni 0'53
05 Muse, honor di Parnaso 0'55
06 Lasciate i monti (Balletto) 1'56
07 Ma tu gentil cantor 0'38
08 Rosa del Ciel, vita del Mondo 2'05
09 Io non diro 0'50
10 Lasciate i monti (Balletto) 0'59
11 Vieni Imeneo, deh vieni 0'57
12 Ma s'il nostro gioir 0'49
13 Ritornello — Alcun non sia 4'27
Atto secondo / Act II 24'03
14 Sinfonia — Ecco pur ch'a voi ritorno 5'45
15 Ahi caso acerbo 2'54
16 In un fiorito prato 3'48
17 Tu se' morta 2'17
18 Ahi caso acerbo 1'03
19 Ma io — Sinfonia 2'30
20 Chi ne consola ahi lassi? 5'46

Disc 2
Atto terzo / Act III 25'22
01 Sinfonia 1'28
02 Scorto da te, mio Nume 1'23
03 Ecco l'atra palude 2'36
04 Dove, ah dove te'n vai 0'49
05 O tu ch'innanzi morte 1'35
06 Sinfonia — Possente Spirto 8'06
07 Sol tu, nobile Dio 1'03
08 Ben mi lusinga alquanto 2'44
09 Ei dorme 2'08
10 Sinfonia — Nulla impresa per huom 3'30
Atto quarto / Act IV 16'40
11 Signor, quell'infelice 2'28
12 Benche severo e immutabil fato 1'58
13 O degli habitator 1'03
14 Quali grazie ti rendo 1'35
15 Pietade oggi 0'40
16 Ritornello — Qual honor 3'38
17 Ahi vista troppo dolce 2'04
18 Sinfonia — E la virtute un raggio 3'14
Atto quinto / Act V 16'06
19 Ritornello 0'41
20 Questi i campi di Tracia 7'05
21 Sinfonia — Perche a lo sdegno e al dolor 2'04
22 Padre cortese 2'28
23 Saliam cantando al Cielo 1'16
24 Ritornello — Vanne Orfeo felice a pieno 1'20
25 Moresca 1'12

Album total 105'39#AN#


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