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留言版 (1942)
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[藍光BD] - 太陽之河 : 亞馬遜流域 The Amazon : River of The Sun - 繁體中文

建議售價 $1100
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太陽之河 : 亞馬遜流域 The Amazon : River of The Sun ( 藍光版 ) [ Blu-ray ]

音效 : 英 Dolby Digital 5.1

字幕 : 英 / 繁體中文 / 簡體中文

Equator is an epic production - capturing every detail in High Definition - that takes viewers on a 40,000-kilometre odyssey chasing the sun to some of the most extreme and diverse locations on the planet.

The equator is not only the line that divides the Earth in two - it's also a line of life and a powerful force of nature, where the pace of evolution quickens.

The equator covers only five per cent of the Earth's surface, but is home to 50 per cent of its animal and plant species.

The equator is a species factory. Equatorial animals live constantly in warm, humid surroundings.

Life is good; they can breed all year round.

But the downside of such abundance is that these creatures must compete and fight for survival with half of all the species on Earth.

Equator explores exactly how and why animals and plants grow faster, bigger - and stranger - here than anywhere else.

Just as humanity evolved under the glare of the equatorial sun on the East African savannah, it's no accident that many " hot spots " of biological significance occur along the equator.

The equatorial sun is the most powerful source of energy on Earth - a force that reaches well beyond the equatorial band itself.

As it beats down on the oceans, moist air rises on such a large scale that it generates the trade winds and great ocean currents that energize life on distant parts of the globe.

Equator : " Rivers of the Sun " The mighty Amazon River is the lifeblood of the jungle.

For half a year, freshwater fish flourish in floodwaters that rise among the trees and then, as the waters retreat, these fish face a six-month drought.

The enduring Amazon is both a time capsule for ancient animals and a hothouse for the evolution of new species.

內容簡介 :



赤道地區僅覆蓋了地球表面的 5%,但它卻擁有地球生命總數的 50%。


該系列影片考察了六個位於赤道的高熱帶地區:非洲大裂谷、亞馬遜盆地、安第斯山、東南亞地區、印度-太平洋地區和科隆( 加拉帕戈斯 )群島。

波瀾壯闊的亞馬遜河是森林的命脈,一年中有 6 個月淡水魚紛紛涌入林間上漲的洪水中盡情嬉戲,當洪水退卻後,魚兒們又要面臨一連6個月的旱季。



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