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Deco Road 生活館
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獲得現金積點:6200 (1點=1元) 說明
最高可折抵點數:150 (1點=1元) 說明

古董傢俱 歐洲 博物館級 法國 黑森林 古董桌 / 古董書桌

約 1900 年代,
雕工細膩精湛, 令人驚艷
建議售價 $690000
一次付清特價 89 折 620000
30利率 每期$206666 接受28家銀行
6 每期$108203 接受28家銀行
12 每期$56467 接受27家銀行
15 每期$45673 接受5家銀行
24 每期$29027 接受13家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受18家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
跨店分期0利率 3期/6期
運  費

商品所在地 台北市
1000萬件商品適用 (說明)
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年代 1900 材質 胡桃木

年代 1900 年

相當罕見之收藏, 黑森林 古董 書桌

雕工細膩精湛, 令人驚艷

Rare and beautiful French Black Forest Desk.

Wonderfully carved, solid walnut, Circa 1900.

尺寸:435. wide x 56 tall x 27 deep.

工作檯面: 31 high. Knee hole opening 35.5 x 24.5 tall

A Brief Introduction to Black Forest Carvings

For many years "Black Forest" carvings were thought to have been produced in the Bavarian Black Forest of Germany, but it has now been established beyond all doubt that they were the sole province of the Swiss. The wood carving industry of Switzerland originated in the picturesque town of Brienz. From humble beginnings of a cottage industry in the early 1800's it grew by the turn of the 20th century to become the industrial driving force of a whole community.By 1910 there were some 1300 carvers plying their trade in the community of Brienz.

The carving industry was driven by the tourist industry; Brienz, Interlaken and Luzern and other such resorts were in vogue with the wealthy Victorians.

Bears were particularly popular, being the symbol for the city of Berne, but musical boxes , musical chalets, furniture large and small, all figured in Swiss carving. The variety was immense, ranging from the religious, faithful reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper to the amusing and the whimsical.

Far from being 'mere whimsy' however, Swiss Black Forest carvings were exhibited at the London Great Exhibition of 1851, Chicago 1893, Paris 1900 and at many other of the great international exhibitions of the late 19th and early 20th century. Black Forest carvings stood alongside goods from the likes of Tiffany, Galle and Linke at such exhibitions. Today there has been a tremendous revival of interest for them and the best pieces are highly sort after.

Taken from the book "Swiss carvings 1820 - 1940" written by Jay Arenski, Simon Daniels and Michael Daniels.


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