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Taiwan and Vietnam:language,literacy and nationalism

This book provides readers a better understanding of language, literacy, and nationalism in Taiwan and Vietnam.
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【書名】Taiwan and Vietnam:language,literacy and nationalism
◎作者:Wi-vun T. Chiung (Tưởng Vi Văn)
【本書特色】This book provides readers a better understanding of language, literacy, and nationalism in Taiwan and Vietnam.
This book “Taiwan and Vietnam: Language, Literacy and Nationalism” in English is an overall survey of Vietnam and Taiwan from a perspective of comparative studies. In addition, this book also introduces and compares the history of language, orthography and literature in the Hanji cultural sphere, such as Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. This book can be considered one of the rare publications introducing the history of language and literature of Taiwan to Vietnamese readers.
The author Wi-vun CHIUNG is a Taiwanese researcher with many in-depth research results about Vietnam in the fields of language, culture and history. With over 20 years of research on Vietnam, professor Chiung has great contributions to introducing Vietnam to Taiwanese readers. In particular, his former book entitled “Vietnamese Spirit: Language, Orthography and Anti-hegemony” published in Taiwanese and Chinese provide readers a comprehensive understanding of Vietnam.
Dr. NGUYỄN Văn Hiệp
Director, Institute of Linguistics
Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, VIETNAM
The author also surveyed the efforts of Taiwanese people to preserve and develop their language and literature in order to retain their national identity. For example, the efforts on Romanization movement, which is still on the half way to success. Or the successful reforms on politics and education in recent decades, which have promoted Taiwan to a modern society with its unique features in the globalization era.
The cultural and economic exchanges between Taiwan and Vietnam have significantly increased in recent decades, this book thus provides valuable references for Taiwanese and Vietnamese people to understand each other better and further to share their experiences in maintaining their own cultural characteristics.
This book also provides valuable knowledge about Taiwanese and Vietnamese from the perspectives of linguistics and orthographies. They are helpful for learning Vietnamese and Taiwanese languages.
Professor Wi-vun CHIUNG is not only a prestigious scholar, but also an enthusiastic patriot. In addition to academic research, he promotes Taiwanese language and literature in order to remain national identity of Taiwan. He also promotes academic exchange between Vietnamese and Taiwanese scholars through many practical events such as international conferences or workshops held by Center for Vietnamese Studies at National Cheng Kung University.
In short, I appreciate and admire what Professor Wi-vun CHIUNG has done so far. I sincerely introduce this book to readers, especially those in Vietnam.
Why Taiwan and Vietnam? Most works of my research are related to comparative studies of Taiwan and Vietnam. Someone may be curious to know why I chose Vietnam to compare with Taiwan?
I was a promoter of Taiwanese languages before I went to graduate school in the USA. I was trying to save the Taiwanese languages which were suppressed by the Chinese monolingual policy of the Chinese KMT regime in Taiwan. I did not know much about Vietnam at that time. My limited impressions about Vietnam were a war and the orthographic transformation from Han characters to Roman scripts. I did not have the chance to get to know the Vietnamese people until I started my graduate studies.
However, Han characters, which came after Roman scripts, have become the dominant orthography in current Taiwanese society. What are the factors driving different outcomes in Taiwan and Vietnam? Will Taiwan have the potential to revive Taiwanese languages or to replace Han characters with Roman scripts? Those questions stayed in my mind while I was doing my research.
All the papers collected in this book try to answer these questions from different perspectives. The papers were originally presented in conferences, journals or book chapters. They were appropriately revised and updated to make a more consistent and systematic book. I expect this book to provide readers a better understanding of language, literacy and nationalism in Taiwan and Vietnam.
Foreword 1
Foreword 2
Foreword 3
01.Features and prospects in comparative studies of Vietnam and Taiwan
02.Language, literacy, and nationalism: Taiwan’s orthographic transition from the perspective of Han sphere
03.Road to orthographic Romanization: Vietnam and Taiwan
04.Sound and writing systems in Taiwanese, Chinese and Vietnamese
05.Learning efficiencies for Han characters and Vietnamese Roman scripts
06.Impact of monolingual policy on language and ethnic identity: a case study of Taiwan
07.Romanization and language planning in Taiwan
08.Pe̍h-ōe-jī as intangible cultural heritage of Taiwan
09.Taiwanese or Southern Min? On the controversy of ethnolinguistic names in Taiwan
10.Language attitudes toward written Taiwanese
11.Development of the Taiwanese proficiency test

Dr. Binh NGO
Director of the Vietnamese Language Program Harvard University, USA
Prof. Wi-vun T. CHIUNG (Chiúⁿ Ûi-bûn / 蔣為文) is a distinguished scholar in the field of Taiwanese and Vietnamese studies. His new book Taiwan and Vietnam: language, literacy and nationalism is an insightful and original work on comparative study of Taiwan and Vietnam in many areas, including history, linguistics and sociolinguistics.
This book is divided into eleven chapters. The first chapter introduces the history of Vietnamese-Taiwanese economic and cultural ties, Vietnamese studies in Vietnam and Taiwan, and Taiwanese studies in Taiwan and Vietnam, as well as how they were established and developed. This chapter also points out the importance of the comparative studies of Vietnam and Taiwan.
Chapter two discusses the historical background of Chinese character usage in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan and the creation of each country’s own writing systems at different periods of time in the past. The passage which deals with the Mandarin Chinese used in Taiwan and the romanized Taiwanese writing system from the perspective of the Taiwanese is exceptionally informative.
The third chapter is a continuation of the second, with a focus on romanized writing systems in Vietnam and Taiwan. The author argues that romanized Taiwanese script, along with Chinese characters, should be adopted as Taiwan’s national writing system.
Chapter four compares the phonetic and writing systems of Chinese, Vietnamese and Taiwanese, which is invaluable from the standpoint of both contrastive analysis and language pedagogy.
ISBN/EISBN 9789869888707


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