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Heterochronic Parabiosis: Anti-Aging Plasma Exchange /9786267018729

Blood younger be able to anti-aging. Completely reveal the secret of plasma exchange to improve aging problems.
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【書名】Heterochronic Parabiosis: Anti-Aging Plasma Exchange
◎作者:Fu-shih Pan, M.D., Ph.D.
【本書特色】Blood younger be able to anti-aging. Completely reveal the secret of plasma exchange to improve aging problems.
◎ The first book in the world detailing the development history and clinical application of plasma exchange in solving aging problems.
◎ Heterochronic Parabiosis is science, not medical.
◎ If you are struggling with aging problems, this book will help you understand the root cause of the problems.

Fu-shih Pan, M.D., Ph.D.

Fushih Pan M.D., Ph.D. is not only the only practicing American Boarded Plastic Surgeon but also a well-known pioneer in regenerative medicine in Asia.
Dr. Pan began to isolate ADSC (i.e. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells) from the fat of liposuction and re-injected them to rejuvenate facial skin and hair follicles since 2001.
In 2003, Dr. Pan established Lotusbio Technology Ltd. to translate his ADSC technologies into the skin and hair care industry. The anti-aging facial serum allowed him to win First Place in Global Launchpad: Beijing in 2012.
Since 2015, Dr. Pan became interested in translating the heterochronic parabiosis experimental technologies into clinical practice for the treatment of aging-related diseases and conditions.
He set up a transfusion center in Cambodia to study the unique components in the young plasma. Based on this, he was able to create a chemical-defined formulation to simulate the beneficial effects of young plasma.
In order to simulate the actual effect of in vivo heterochronic parabiosis, Dr. Pan also developed a mathematical model for heterochronic parabiosis which allows him to calculate and optimize optimal dosage and intervals of intermittent plasma exchange for the individual patient.
Dr. Pan received his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1986 and MD in 1989 both from the University of Chicago. After completed his training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center, he became the Craniofacial Fellow in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Lecturer in the Department of Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania.

1. Why Is Anti-Aging Important?
2. How To Live To 100 Years Of Health Span?
3. How To Reverse The Aging Processes?
4. What Is Stem Cell ?
5. How To Improve Repair Capacity Of Stem Cell?
6. How Good Is The Effect Of Stem Cell Therapy?
7. Who Is Dr. Carrel?
8. What Is Heterochronic Parabiosis?
9. What Is Placenta Extract ?
10. How Did Heterochronic Parabiosis Get Back To The Centerstage Of Anti-Aging Research?
11. Where Are The Aging Reversal Factors In The Blood?
12. Who Is The Successor Of Dr. Carrel ?
13. Who Is Dr. Pan?
14. How Did Dr. Pan Returned To The Clan?
15. Can The Effect Of Heterochronic Parabiosis Happened For A Different Reason ?
16. What Should Be The Anti-Aging Treatment Be Re-Designed Based on The Current Understandings Of Heterochronic Parabiosis?
17. How To Detoxify Aging Plasma?
18. Where Are The Beneficial Factors For Stem Cell In The Blood?
19. What Are The Potential Sources Of Young Plasma ?
20. Why Is The Treatment Offered By Ambrosia Ineffective?
21. Why Is Phnom Penh Plasma Not Feasible?
22. How About Artificial Plasma?
23. Why Is Stem Cells Ineffective For Anti-Aging?
24. Since Stem Cell Transplantation Is Ineffective Systemically, Why Do We Still Do It?
25. How Many Stem Cells Should Be Implanted For The Best Result?
26. What Is Autophagy?
27. What Does Anti-Aging Medicine Look Like?
28. Is Heterochronic Parabiosis Scientifically Sound ?
29. Is Heterochronic Parabiosis Being Done Clinically?
30. Are There Any Clinical Cases In Heterochronic Parabiosis?
31. Are There Any Clinical Papers On Heterochronic Parabiosis?
32. What Is The Impact of AMBAR Trial?
33. Is Transplantation Of Stem Cells Necessary To Simulate Effects Of Heterochronic Parabiosis in Clinical Setting?
34. The 3 Steps Clinical Heterochronic Parabiosis Program.
35. Really? Trilogy Of Scientific Breakthrough
36. Pregnancy Is Heterochronic Parabiosis
37. The Future Of Heterochronic Parabiosis Technologies
38. References
1. Why Is Anti-Aging Important?

Since thousands of years ago, mankind had begun the pursuit of longevity and hoping to feel and look young forever. However, to the surprise of many, modern medical society did not pay much attention to aging-related problems until the late 20 century.

Two hundred years ago, the average lifespan of humans was only 40 years. At that time, people, in general, could not live long enough to experience the aging processes.

Due to the birth of modern medicine, within the next 100 years, the average lifespan experienced a rapid rise to 55 years, which was further extended by another 25 years to reach the current life expectancy of 80 years old during the past 100 years. If this trend were able to continue, at this speed of 20 to 30 years per 100 years, some scientists project that the human life span will eventually reach the 150 years mark. However, this is unlikely to be the case.

Let us examine the age of death of United States women over the past 85 years. From the figure, we can see that in 1933, there were 2 peaks in the curve. The first peak occurs at birth and the other peak occurs between 70 and 90 years of age. On the other hand, there was only one peak of the 2014 age of death curve between 85 and 95. This implies that the largest increase in the average life expectancy over the past 85 years occurs due to the decrease in mortality at birth (mostly due to the advances in obstetrics and neonatal care). If we eliminate the influences of this, the actual extension in average life span was less than 15 years over the last 80 years.

Furthermore, from the changes in the spread of the above age of death curve, we also observe that the distribution of the age of death narrowed significantly over the last 80 years. This seems to imply that most people will eventually die at the same age bracket, e.g., between the age 90 and 100 as the standard of medical care continues to improve in the future; rather than extending to 150 years old as some optimistic scientists might suggest. Should we be happy about the life extension phenomena? According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the profile of the disease for the causes of death was very different 100 years ago. At that time (in early 1900), the most pr

以上內容節錄自《Heterochronic Parabiosis: Anti-Aging Plasma Exchange》Fu-shih Pan◎著.白象文化出版
ISBN/EISBN 9786267018729


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