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PChome > 商店街首頁 > 家電 > 禾豐音響 > 3.5mm-3.5mm 線

獲得現金積點:94 (1點=1元) 說明

禾豐音響 公司貨 美國 Audioquest SYDNEY 雙頭3.5mm 音源線 1.5M kef x300a 升級用

禾豐音響 公司貨 美國 Audioquest SYDNEY 雙頭3.5mm 音源線 1.5M
一次付清特價 9400
30利率 每期$3133 接受25家銀行
60利率 每期$1566 接受25家銀行
120利率 每期$783 接受25家銀行
15 每期$693 接受6家銀行
24 每期$441 接受13家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
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郵局 100
7-11取貨付款 60
全家取貨付款 60
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商品所在地 台北市
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The Sydney Harbour Bridge is the tallest and widest steel-arch bridge in the world, and the fifth longest. The “Coathanger” (the bridge’s nickname) is just behind the Sydney Opera House for worldwide recognition as a symbol of Sydney, and as a symbol for all of Australia. An organized ‘Bridge Climb’ is offered many times a day to the top of the bridge, offering a truly exceptional view of Sydney’s amazing harbor from 134 meters (440 ft) above the water.

SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ (PSC+) CONDUCTORS: Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All of Sydney’s conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Sydney’s very clean sound.

POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. All of Sydney’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. PE Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials.

CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane.

ASYMMETRICAL DOUBLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Asymmetrical Double-Balanced Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance.

COLD-WELDED DIRECT-SILVER PLATED PURE PURPLE COPPER RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability. Purple Copper offers a cleaner, clearer sound over nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in competing manufacturers’ plugs. Direct-Silver Plating offers one more important step toward greater clarity and doing no harm to the signal.



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