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  全館優惠實施中 購物滿5000元以上免運 顯微鏡總代理服務商 04-23552988 台中市西屯區順和七街13號
PChome > 商店街首頁 > 文具與辦公用品 > 金相科技有限公司 > 影像系統

獲得現金積點:2772 (1點=1元) 說明

600萬畫素 USB 3.0 溫度調節螢光CCD彩色影像系統

6MP ultra-sensitive, low-noise
建議售價 $330399
一次付清特價 83 折 277199
3 每期$96250 接受29家銀行
6 每期$48377 接受29家銀行
12 每期$25246 接受28家銀行
15 每期$20420 接受6家銀行
24 每期$12978 接受14家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受18家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
運  費單店購物車滿 5000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
郵局 100***
商品所在地 台中市

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【注意事項】 現貨2個工作天,預購需5~8個工作天。

This is our top-of-the-line camera for imaging in low-light conditions such as fluorescence-microscopy. The camera uses a 6-megapixel, 1" Sony HAD CCD sensor, which dramatically boosts light-gathering efficiency. To guarantee a high signal-to-noise performance, the camera features a built-in thermal-regulation system capable of decreasing the operating temperature by up to 45 degrees. This reduction in sensor-heat results in less self-noise during the light-capture and conversion processes.

An added benefit of the CCD sensor is its "global shutter" design, which eliminates "rolling-shutter" artifacts associated with CMOS sensors. This equates to better consitency and less distortion during image-capture, and smoother movement in video. Because of the camera's accuracy and noise-control, the camera is capable of capturing long-exposures up to one hour.

This microscope camera uses the C-mount standard for lens-attachment or instrument-coupling. With a wide array of lenses and coupling-adapters, the camera can be used with virtually any optical microscope on the market, including Nikon, Olympus, Leica, and Zeiss. On top of that, it can be used with a wide range of telescopes for astrophotography.

With software available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, this camera package is a multi-platform imaging solution. The included Windows software offers image-development and measurement tools, as well as advanced compositing features such as image-stitching and extended-depth-of-focus. With the ability to calibrate scales at multiple magnifications, the software can be used for multi-level inspection. Independent preview and capture resolutions allow you to view high-speed video while simultaneously capturing high-definition images. For Mac and Linux, there is a lite version of the software which can capture video and still images, and includes limited processing features.

Camera Specifications:

Sensor: Sony ICX694AQG (color)
Sensor Type: CCD
Sensor Size: 14.6x12.8mm
Pixel Size: 4.54
Resolution: 6.0MP
Frame Rate: 14fps @ 2748x1092, 7.5fps @ 2748x2200
Sensitivity: 880mV (1/30s)
Connectivity: USB 3.0
Compatibility: Windows (32/64 bit) XP/Vista/7/8, Mac OSX, Linux
Mounting Sizes: C-mount

Software Specifications:

OS Requirements: Windows (32/64 bit) XP/Vista/7/8/10, Mac OS 10.8+, Linux kernel 3.13+
Hardware Requirements: Intel Core2 2.8GHz or comparable processor, 2GB RAM, USB3.0 port for maximum speed
Advanced software for Windows:
- offers Stitching, EDF, video recording and measurement functions
- conducts measurements for lengths, angles, arcs, areas and etc.
- gives your computer screens the same field of view as your microscope's eyepiece
- saves still images in BMP, TIFF, JPG, PICT, PTL or other formats
- live video and still image capture can be set in different resolutions simultaneously 
More features: add layers, watermarks, mosaics, tiles; adjust color balance, exposure, saturation, contrast, orientation; change resolution, histogram, granulation, diffusion; transform images via edge detection, digital image warping; conducts measurements for single, parallel or perpendicular lines and rectangular, elliptical and irregular areas; adds notes, measurements, text, arrows, labels, and etc. using customizable text with different sizes and colors; conducts measurements in microns, millimeters, centimeters, inches, feet, and etc. under any magnification powers with desired tolerances
Life-time free software upgrades


One 6MP USB3.0 Temperature-regulated Digital Camera
One heavy-duty carrying case
One power adapter
One 6' (1.8m) USB Cable
One CD with software and instructions


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