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Guitar -- Dealin with Signal and Noise

建議售價 $585
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The Projetct Guitar is dedicated to the sound of the guitar. Until now Lueckner released: “Sunkissed” (My Bloody Valentine- Hommage on Morr Music, 2003), the Japan-only-album "Honeysky" (Interpretation of Country guitars and Bluegrass Banjo Hilibilly attacks, Third Ear 2004), “Saltykisses” (even more shoegazer, Third Ear 2006) and "Tokyo" (with the sound of Koto and Pipa guitars – a homage to Tokyo, onitor 2006).


And now “Dealin with Signal + Noise“. Lueckner keeps on going with his recently, new open working attitude. On 4 tracks of the album he cooperates with the Japanese Singer Ayako Akashiba (who also worked with him on all recent Guitar albums), and on 3 tracks he worked with the American guitar band Voyager One (Seattle). Its obvious what this means: With his new album, Guitar is going back more in the direction of psychdelic guitar-sound. Or better said: This is a Sea of Sound. The Sound-Sea is wilder again, something really heavy – but between the storm of noise and feedback you could always hear the sirenes. But don´t be afraid, the fishers around will not be killed and nobody will get fixed to the boat. This storm will end in a good way. And this message is coming from someone who knows very well that life without storms is not worth a penny.

But back to present. These words were sent to us directly from the Guitar-Hauptquartier:
“This time I tried to find out what I do with Guitar. What is possible with a project like Guitar nowadays. And the answers I found are on the album. As a rockmusician I deal with Signals (different impulses, chords, words and timings and biographical feelings) and Noise (indifferentimpulses, chords, words, nature-sounds and timings and really difficult feelings, feelings I don´t understand, feelings I considered as Kitsch as I was still an unexperienced teen and twen who was imagining his own world).

After all: You are not allowed to believe a rockdealer under 30 years, cause they produce and communicate irritating music out of Signals (f.e. "she loves you - yeah yeah yeah") and Noise (twäng-zerr-distort-bingbong) - music which will bring young people in the worst case to acts like suicide, cause they are unable to know their own feelings and also to dechiffre this sound. This means: Anybody who really “understands” rockmusic is under 30 or disorientated or he/she feels better buying sonic waves instead of flowers and gifts.”

This said, Lueckner continues to say that it is impossible to write something like that in an info. But touched from what I heard, I have to ask: Why? Cause all the writers out there will take it as pretentious? Cause it opens a far too deep view into the artistical process of writing music? Cause the people out there only care about the surface? Ah, fuck it, we at onitor beliebe in you all, that's why we say: Lets give it a try.

Which brings us back to Guitar and his words: “With technical words like Signal/ Noise you are able to dechiffre the whole rockmusic analog to Luhmanns Systemtheorie – open the view for a new perspective, a perspective Thomas Pynchon would love. But having this said you have to realize that from this perspective Jimi Hendrix never made music, cause as a fresh made Vietnam Veteran he changed his machine gun with an electric guitar – just as half of the rockcommunity did, by listening to Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Muse and Co at war. And nobody is realizing. And peaceful Ex-Social-Workers like me, Daniel Lanois and the electric Bob Dylan are still doing our social work (instead of going to the military) and keep on talking the people into stopping to go to the military and touch guns.”




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