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P6線上便利購 USB2.0 to 2 * SATA II HDD with RAID Function

USB2.0 to 2 * SATA II HDD with RAID Function
建議售價 $3900
一次付清特價 98 折 3850
3 每期$1337 接受29家銀行
6 每期$672 接受29家銀行
12 每期$351 接受28家銀行
15 每期$284 接受6家銀行
24 每期$181 接受14家銀行
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單店購物車滿 490 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 80
郵局 80***
商品所在地 台北市
1000萬件商品適用 (說明)
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1U2SR is a 1 USB2.0 host to 2 drive intelligent SATA II storage processor that allows users to easily deploy and manage reliable, affordable storage devices that connect to the fast, serial, hot pluggable, SATA I and SATA II host ports found in PC’s, consumer devices and servers. System designers can take advantage of the 1U2SR hardware RAID features to build high performance, reliable storage solutions that offer OS transparency thereby greatly simplifying product development as well as the user experience.

The 1U2SR modes are;

Data Mirroring (RAID 1) -allows device to automatically copy primary hard drive without any CPU loading. The SiI4723provides automatic rebuild o­n device replacement and auto-fail over, to eliminate any workflow interruptions.

  • Data Striping (RAID 0)-allows the device to performance stripe the drives to provide maximum throughput to the direct attached PC (RAID 0).

  • Drive Spanning-allows the device to make my two drives (same or different sizes) appear as o­ne large drive to the host for extra capacity (Concatenation).

  • Port Multiplier or JBOD - this allows the direct attached PC to see each drive as just a bunch of drives.

Systems with pod multiplier aware hosts may take additional advantage of the 1U2SR virtualization capabilities to segment hard drive capacity into multiple storage partitions, each appearing to the host as a different target device. Based o­n how the 1U2SR is configured, these partitions can have different performance or reliability properties to suit the application(s). This functionality and versatility allows storage system vendors to implement cost effective SATA storage solutions with RAID and virtualization capability that improve system performance and reliability, simplify storage administration and lower overall system cost.

1U2SR is designed for optimum power, performance and price .It is based o­n the Silicon Image’s industry leading SATA Link technology. It leverages much of the circuit innovation at the physical layer of Silicon Image's proprietary reduced-overhead Multi-layer Serial Link (MSL) architecture, which was pioneered and proven with our market-leading Panel Link? Products.


  • Expansion Storage Bricks

  • Disk Shelves

  • Storage Enclosures

  • Backup Systems

  • Embedded Backup Applications

  • Video Editing Systems

  • Near Line DAS Storage

  • Internal Auto-Protection Upgrade

  • External Storage Enclosures

  • eSATA Storage Target/Host

  • Medical Protected Storage

  • Industrial Protected Storage

  • SOHO / SMB Protected Storage

Dimension : 72 *52 *25 mm        Weight : 60 g

Overall Features

1 USB2.0 to—2 Intelligent, native SATA II storage processor

OS independent, Driverless, Auto Configuration

RAID 0,1 support

Embedded fast Steel Vine Storage Processor

Virtualization engine to simplify and improve utilization of storage devices

Industry leading SATA Link? Technology and eSATA technology

Tunnel Mode for HDD firmware download

Smart Command Support

Intelligent Storage processor Features?

Automatic Fail over in RAID 1 mode

Automatic Rebuild m RAID1 mode?

Automatic RAID mode configuration

100GB/hr Rebuild speed without Host CPU loading

High performance, reliability and simplicity with hardware RAID 0,1 options

Virtualized multiple storage devices into o­ne or many storage units, e.g. multi-drive drive spanning, drive partitioning or act as a JBOD port multiplier

High-speed, native SATA II connection to host and device

Device-to-device(s) copy to off-load host during rebuild

LED drivers for status reporting

Supports ATAPI devices m non-RAID / virtualization mode

RAID and Virtualization sets configurable with graphical user interface

Drive Splitting for multi-RAID partitions o­n a single volume with PM Aware Host

GUI-less operation supported

Drive Failure Alarm signal

Configuration pins to set RAID modes

LED pins to show current state and highlight state changes

SATA Features

Compliant to SATA 1.0a specification, and the following SATA II specifications: Extensions to SATA1.0a,Phy specification; Cable and Connectors Volume 1and 2:and Port Multiplier Specification.

1x2 Port Multiplier Functionality or JBOD mode

1.5Gpbs or 3Gpbs link rate with auto-negotiation

Supports hot plug, drive roaming and hot spare roaming

SATA Enclosure Management Bridge (SEMB) support with I2C interface to external Storage Enclosure Processor (SEP)

Independently programmable PHY settings to support extended PCB trace lengths and external SATA II applications

Supports host control of hard disk drive staggered spin-up

Far end Retimed loop-back BIST for host initiated system testing

Compatible with NCQ drives

Greater than 110MBps sustained reads in RAID 1 mode (limited by drives)


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