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從伸科技 (TSRF)
  本公司為Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT VNA)與 ERAVANT (SAGE Millimeter)正式授權獨家代理商及維修中心,提供5G mmWave 產品、借測、租賃、代測服務.www.ts-corp.com.tw / T:03-220-0235
PChome > 商店街首頁 > 手機通訊 > 從伸科技 (TSRF) > 4-Ports 網路分析儀

獲得現金積點:66667 (1點=1元) 說明

CobaltFx 110GHz 網路分析儀

CobaltFx 110GHz 4ports Vector Network Analyzer
建議售價 $8888888
一次付清特價 75 折 6666666
30利率 每期$2222222 接受24家銀行
60利率 每期$1111111 接受24家銀行
12 每期$607165 接受24家銀行
15 每期$491099 接受5家銀行
24 每期$312110 接受12家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
運  費單店購物車滿 5000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
郵局 0***
商品所在地 桃園市
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CobaltFx VNAs  is the first mmWave frequency extension solution that utilizes a 9 GHz VNA. CobaltFx’s high dynamic range and directivity allow for highly accurate and stable millimeter-wave S-parameter measurements in three dedicated waveguide bands 50-75 GHz, 60-90 GHz, and 75-110 GHz. CobaltFx offers an unparalleled combination of price, performance, flexibility and size.

C4209, the VNA used in this system, is from Copper Mountain Technologies’ industry leading Cobalt Series. It features fast sweep speeds down to 10 microseconds per point and a dynamic range of up to 160 dB, all comprised in a compact, USB form factor. C4209 works seamlessly with Farran Technology’s millimeter-wave FEV frequency extenders.

The extenders are packaged in small and versatile enclosures, that allow for flexible port arrangements with respect to the waveguide. Waveguide ports are manufactured in accordance to the new IEEE 1785a standard and ensure industry best alignment and repeatability of connection, allowing for long interval times between calibration. The system comes with a precision calibration kit containing flush short, offset piece and broadband load and allows for full 12-term port calibration.

CobaltFx 15

  • Frequency range: 50GHz – 75 GHz
  • Measured parameters: S11 - S44
  • Dynamic range: 120 dB (Typical, 10 Hz IF)
  • Measurement time per point: 10 usec min typ.
  • Waveguide ports: IEEE 1785-2s standard

CobaltFx 12

  • Frequency range: 60GHz – 90 GHz
  • Measured parameters: S11 - S44
  • Dynamic range: 120 dB (Typical, 10 Hz IF)
  • Measurement time per point: 10 usec min typ.
  • Waveguide ports: IEEE 1785-2s standard

CobaltFx 10

  • Frequency range: 75GHz – 110 GHz
  • Measured parameters: S11 - S44
  • Dynamic range: 120 dB (Typical, 10 Hz IF)
  • Measurement time per point: 10 usec min typ.
  • Waveguide ports: IEEE 1785-2s standard



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