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泡泡(跨界音樂) 達娜.席歐卡麗 鋼琴 Bubbles - Dana Ciocarlie & Friends

一次付清特價 590
3 每期$205 接受25家銀行
6 每期$103 接受25家銀行
12 每期$54 接受25家銀行
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達娜.席歐卡麗 鋼琴及朋友們

‘Happiness is a bubble . . . that changes colour like the iris and bursts when you touch it’. - Honore de Balzac

One day I dreamt of snow, lots of snow. The flakes looked like bubbles, and fell to the ground instead of rising to the sky as bubbles do. In the distance, I saw an isolated house, lost in the immensity of this subdued landscape. Then I realised the house was my childhood home. Memories and dreams intermingled and I heard music. As a child in Romania, I was cradled by the music of Mozart and the cimbalom that accompanies the dances of the Dobruja region; as a teenager I discovered the pieces of Chopin and Debussy, indelibly linked with my teachers of that time. As a young concert pianist, my knowledge was enriched by new images of travel. First of all in France, my adoptive homeland, then in Europe, in America, and finally in Armenia by way of China. Wonderful memories of communion with other musicians . . .

I had a dream and that dream became a fabulous reality, a celebration.

As I sit on the sofa in my living room, beside a crackling fire, my friends enter one after the other and come up to me. Some of them I have known for a long time, others are friends made only recently. Glasses are served, filled with a nectar, an ambrosia worthy of the gods. The bubbles loosen tongues, the stories take flight and mingle. The stories told here permit us to share and exchange our experiences. Their lives have sometimes been cruel as well as sweet, but they all continue to vibrate in music, to dance the waltz or the tango.

Francis Poulenc ? Les Trois Dames 1’41
(extract from Parisiana)
with Philippe Katerine
Lucian Blaga ? Je veux danser 0’42
Julie Depardieu, reciter
Paul Constantinescu ? Joc dobrogean 3’56
(extract from Trois pieces pour piano)
1 Alexandre Aroutounian ? Impromptu for cello and piano 4’02
with Astrig Siranossian
2 Claude Debussy ? Golliwogg’s Cake-Walk 2’52
(extract from Children’s Corner)
3 Astor Piazzolla ? Fracanapa 2’14
with Pascal Contet
4 Nichita Stanescu ? Chanson 0’54
Julie Depardieu, reciter
5 Erik Satie ? Je te veux 4’43
6 Kurt Weill ? Je ne t’aime pas 2’26
with Juliette Armanet
7 Franz Schubert ? Marche Militaire in D major D.733 n° 1 5’00
with Anne Queffelec
8 Artemi Ayvazian ? Danse armenienne 2’12
with Astrig Siranossian
9 Pascal Contet ? Sparkling Girl 2’23
(arrangement by Fred Harranger for accordion and piano)
with Pascal Contet
10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ? Rondo in D major, K. 485 5’56
11 Francis Poulenc ? Montparnasse 2’43
with Philippe Katerine
12 Komitas ? Je ne peux pas danser1’11
with Astrig Siranossian
13 Traditionnel canadien ? Hangman’s Reel 2’08
with Gilles Apap
14 Philip Glass ? Modern Love Waltz 4’05
15 Jean-Pierre Armanet ? This is America (and I feel like electricity) 3’13
16 Gilbert Becaud ? Le Pianiste de Varsovie 4’51
(arrangement by Cyrille Lehn for voice and piano)
with Isabelle Georges
17 Frederic Chopin ? Grande Valse brillante op. 34 n° 3 2’24
18 Lucian Blaga ? Trois Visages 0’22
with Julie Depardieu, reciter#AN#


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