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Faller Car System 動態車輛
留言版 (1075)
  MJ鐵道模型(阿立圓山玩具模型社, 統編 99965650) 是位玩家出身的專業店長.可以解決您對火車模型的各種需求.專業鐵道模型買賣.火車頭改裝保養.展示場景代工訂製.您的各式需求我們都盡力完成!
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獲得現金積點:269 (1點=1元) 說明

MJ 現貨 Marklin 38323 HO規 DB 數位音效冒煙蒸汽車.同步冒煙

Marklin 38323 HO規 DB 數位音效冒煙蒸汽車.同步冒煙

最小半徑 360 mm, 車長約 27.2 cm, 駕駛室燈, 爐火閃爍
建議售價 $26900
一次付清特價 26900
3 每期$9341 接受29家銀行
6 每期$4695 接受29家銀行
12 每期$2450 接受28家銀行
15 每期$1982 接受6家銀行
24 每期$1260 接受14家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受18家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
運  費單店每筆訂單運費
郵局 80
商品所在地 台北市
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Marklin 38323 HO規 DB 數位音效冒煙蒸汽車.同步冒煙

最小半徑 360 mm, 車長約 27.2 cm, 駕駛室燈, 爐火閃爍

Steam Locomotive, Road Number 18 323

The Most Beautiful One among the Beauties A Queen for Model Railroading
It was a real icon on DB track well into the late Sixties: The mighty express steam locomotive, road number 18 323, has what it takes to become a star as the perfectly designed model in the Märklin program. It was in use until 1969 as an extremely powerful and fast unit all over West Germany under the management of the German Federal Railroad Central Bureau. The new Märklin model is thereby a real highlight in any collection and on any layout set in the significant DB Era III. Its appearance in the midst of the ultramodern diesel and electric locomotives and the widely spread standard design steam locomotives at that time will attract a great deal of attention as in the real life prototype. With unusual stories linked with this German locomotive icon.

Prototype: Express steam locomotive, road number 18 323, with a type 2´2 T29,6 coal tender, German Federal Railroad (DB). Former Baden class IVh. Experimental locomotive at the German Federal Railroad Experimental Office in Minden. Black/red basic paint scheme. Witte smoke deflectors and an inductive magnet on the engineer's side. Smokestack with a Caledonian rim. The locomotive looks as it did around 1966.

*Completely new tooling.
*Especially intricate metal construction.
*A variety of separately applied details.
*Buffer height on the locomotive and tender adheres to the NEM.
*Factory-installed smoke unit and dynamic smoke exhaust that varies with the locomotive speed can be controlled digitally, included.
*Cab lighting, running gear lights, and firebox flickering can be controlled separately in digital operation.
*World of Operation mfx+ decoder and extensive operation and sound functions included.
*Folding walkover plate between the cab and the front of the tender.

Model: The locomotive has an mfx+ digital decoder and extensive sound functions. It also has controlled high-efficiency propulsion with a flywheel in the boiler. 3 axles powered. Traction tires. The locomotive and tender are constructed mostly of metal. There is a factory-installed smoke generator in the locomotive. It has dynamic smoke exhaust that varies with the locomotive speed and is digitally controlled. The triple headlights change over with the direction of travel, will work in conventional operation, and can be controlled digitally. The cab lighting, running gear lights, and firebox flickering can be controlled separately in digital operation. Maintenance-free warm white and red LEDs are used for the lighting. There is an adjustable close coupling with a guide mechanism between the locomotive and tender. There is a close coupler with an NEM pocket on the tender. The buffer height on the locomotive and tender adheres to the NEM. The minimum radius for operation is 360 mm / 14-3/16". More tightly mounted entry steps below the cab are included for installation for large radius curves or display cases. Piston rod protection sleeves and heating and brake hoses are also included.
Length over the buffers 27.2 cm / 10-11/16".

Passenger cars correct for the era and to go with the steam locomotive, road number 18 323, will be presented as part of the summer new items for 2024

This model can be found in a DC version in the Trix H0 assortment under item number 25323.


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