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  爵士樂器進駐PChome囉!!各項樂器陸續低價登場,百坪實體店面應有盡有 地址:台南市東豐路203號
PChome > 商店街首頁 > 音樂與影片 > 爵士樂器 > 綜合效果器

獲得現金積點:235 (1點=1元) 說明
最高可折抵點數:10 (1點=1元) 說明

【爵士樂器】原廠公司貨保固免運 Line 6 新款 HX Effect F15-1 綜合效果器 可外接表情踏板

。搭配強大HX音頻 可同時串接9種效果
。可載入客製化IR(Impluse Respones)技術支援
一次付清特價 23500
30利率 每期$7833 接受29家銀行
60利率 每期$3916 接受29家銀行
120利率 每期$1958 接受28家銀行
15 每期$1732 接受6家銀行
24 每期$1101 接受14家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受18家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
先享後付 最長45天內付款!

先享後付 最長45天內付款!


AFTEE先享後付 詳細說明>
跨店分期0利率 3期/6期
運  費

單店購物車滿 399 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 120
郵局 80***
商品所在地 台南市
1000萬件商品適用 (說明)
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HX Effect F15-1 綜合效果器

The Next Level of Effects Modeling

With the success of the phenomenally powerful Helix, it was only a matter of time before put that same power to work in a unit focused on delivering top-tier modeled effects. Introducing the HX Effects. Like Helix, HX Effects is able to take total control of your guitar rig, supplement your pedalboard, or anything in between. With over 100 HX-quality effects — many pulled from 's already legendary stomps — you'll never run out of tones. And thanks to the HX audio engine, you're able to run up to nine effects simultaneously. Unbelievable processing power, realistic tone and feel, and comprehensive rig control; it's all in the HX Effects.

Over 100 HX effects onboard

's effects models and multi-effects units can be found on professional pedalboards throughout the world. And now, those pedalboards can get even better. With over 100 effects onboard the HX Effects multi-effects units, you'll never be at a loss for tone. And best of all, each of these effects are processed through the company's HX audio engine, ensuring every single swell of a modulation effect, response of an overdrive, or decay of a delay sound feel exactly like the unit it's modeling. And if that weren't enough, you're able to stack up to nine effects to create your own sonic world.

Capacitive touch footswitches

Following Helix's lead, HX Effects boasts eight capacitive touch footswitches that make switching tones, making on-the-fly edits, and recalling settings easier than ever. Simply touch the switch you want to adjust, make the necessary changes, and save it. Couldn't be easier. And to keep track of your tones and changes, outfitted each of the switches with a customizable color-coded LED and scribble strip. No matter how dark or bright the stage is, you'll always know what function each footswitch is controlling.

Extensive I/O

HX Effects is much more than a multi-effects pedalboard. While it can easily replace your current board into the front of your amplifier, it boasts enough I/O and control to take the lead in even the most complicated guitar rigs. Flip the HX Effects around and the first thing you'll find is dual outputs to control channel switching on your amplifier or to add an expression pedal. Dual effects loops allow you to include your favorite stomps anywhere in the chain. MIDI I/O integrates the unit into larger setups —it is even able to integrate with your band's MIDI-based performance. And the HX Effects' USB capability makes computer-based editing and firmware upgrades effortless.

HX Effects Multi-effects Processor Features:

  • Multi-effects pedalboard with massive control capabilities
  • Over 100 effects models onboard
  • HX audio engine ensures pristine audio and realistic modeling
  • Dual effects loops integrate your favorite stompboxes
  • External amp and expression pedal control
  • True stereo performance from input to output
  • Full MIDI capability
  • USB allows computer-based editing and firmware upgrades
  • Built rugged to handle the rigors of the road

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Tech Specs
Pedal Type:Multi-FX
Number of Effects:100+
Effects Types:Overdrive, Distortion, Fuzz, Tremolo, Flanger, Chorus, Vibrato, Rotary, Phaser, Delay, Reverb, Modulator, Filter/Wah, Harmonizer
Looper:60 seconds (mono, full speed), 30 seconds (stereo, full speed)
Inputs:2 x 1/4" (L/Mono, R), 2 x 1/4" (return)
Outputs:2 x 1/4" (L/Mono, R), 2 x 1/4" (send)
MIDI I/O:In/Out/Thru
USB:1 x Type B
Other I/O:2 x 1/4" (expression, ext amp)
Bypass Switching:True Analog Bypass (selectable DSP bypass)
Compatibility:iOS, Windows, Mac OS
Power Source:9V DC-3G power supply (included)
Weight:4.9 lbs


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