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Scientific WorkPlace 5.5 for Windows 學生版

Scientific WorkPlace 是用來製作、編輯和排版數學和科學純文字檔案。該軟體基於字處理器,同時在該環境整合數學公式和純文字書寫。而且內建強大的電腦代數系統,在工作空間中進行數學運算。
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With Scientific WorkPlace Version 5.5, you can create, edit, and typeset mathematical and scientific text more easily than ever before. The software is based on an easy-to-use word processor that completely integrates writing mathematics and text in the same environment. With the built-in computer algebra system, you can perform computations right on the screen.

The Gold Standard for Mathematical, Scientific, and Technical Publishing

In Scientific WorkPlace, you can typeset complex technical documents with LaTeX, the industry standard for mathematics typesetting. Because of its superior precision and quality, publishers and writers of scientific material use LaTeX extensively. When you typeset, LaTeX automatically generates footnotes, indexes, bibliographies, tables of contents, and cross-references.

You don't have to learn LaTeX to produce typeset documents. Many of the more than 150 document shells have been designed to meet the typesetting requirements of specific professional journals and institutions. Scientific WorkPlace automatically saves your documents as LaTeX files. You can concentrate on writing a correct paper; Scientific WorkPlace makes it a beautiful one.

The Power of An Easy-to-Use Computer Algebra System

Scientific WorkPlace combines the ease of entering and editing mathematics in natural mathematical notation with the ability to compute with the built-in computer algebra"Scientific WorkPlace has emerged as a robust and powerful tool....  There is simply nothing else like it.", Jonathan Lewin, Ph. D. -- Kennesaw State University engine, MuPADR 3.1. In this integrated working environment, you can enter mathematics and perform computations without having to think or work in a programming language.

The computer algebra system uses natural mathematical notation, so you don't have to master complex syntax to be able to

Full computer algebra capabilities are available. You can compute symbolically or numerically, integrate, differentiate, and solve algebraic and differential equations. With menu commands, you can compute with over 150 units of physical measure. You can import data from graphing calculators.

In addition, you can use the Exam Builder provided with Scientific WorkPlace to construct exams algorithmically and to generate, grade, and record quizzes on a web server.

Animate, Rotate, Zoom, and Fly

With Scientific WorkPlace Version 5.5, you can create 2-D and 3-D plots in many styles and coordinate systems, Tracing a surface of revolution: an animated 3D graph and enhance the plots with background color, grid lines, and plot labels in specified locations and orientations. And with MuPAD's VCAM you can animate these kinds of plots: 2D plots in polar coordinates, 2D and 3D plots in rectangular coordinates, 2D and 3D implicit plots, 2D and 3D vector fields, 3D tube plots, 3D plots in cylindrical coordinates, and 3D plots in spherical coordinates and vector fields.

View all your plots in the VCAM window with playback toolbar controls. Use your mouse to start, stop, re-run, and loop animations. Define an animation variable t for your plot and specify the animation start and end times and the rate of frames per second. With OpenGL 3D graphics, you can rotate, move, zoom in and out, and fly through 3D plots.

Sharing Your Work Is Easy

Scientific WorkPlace simplifies working with colleagues in other locations. Version 5.5 includes a new input filter for importing files created in native LaTeX. The filter can read many macro definitions not created in Scientific WorkPlace.

The program also includes support for pdfTeX. Before passing your file to the pdfTeX processor, Scientific WorkPlace converts all the graphics in your file to a form that can be processed by pdfLaTeX. Also, documents that use the Hyperref package produce PDF documents that are fully hyperlinked, with links in the table of contents and with hierarchical bookmarks corresponding to the structure of your document. This combination of support for embedded graphics with a large variety of formats and full hyperlinking makes the PDF documents produced by Scientific WorkPlace superior both to the results of pdfLaTeX alone and to the results of Acrobat. When you use pdfTeX to print your document, you can use PostScript-related packages such as Rotating or the PSNFSS font packages that were previously unsupported in the program.

Support for creating PDF files now combines with support for Beamer so that you can create typeset PDF presentations from your Scientific WorkPlace documents. Beamer support provides dynamic transitions and many predefined slide styles to help you create professional-looking presentations, handouts, and transparencies that contain text, mathematics, graphics, and even animations.

Scientific WorkPlace imports text (.txt) and Rich Text Format (.rtf) files, and exports documents to RTF format for importing into Microsoft Word. The mathematics in your document are converted to Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType 5 format.

You can create .dvi, .htm, .pdf, or .rtf files from your documents, or generate portable LaTeX output for seamless transfer to different LaTeX installations. Also, you can copy content to the clipboard for export as text or graphics to other applications. The Document Manager simplifies file transfer between colleagues by building all-inclusive document files, including plot snapshots and VCAM files.

Increased Productivity

This software thinks like you do. Whether you prefer to use the mouse or the keyboard, entering mathematics is so straightforward there is practically no learning curve. Formatting is fast, simple, and consistent. In Scientific WorkPlace, you use tags to define the document structure and format it consistently.

Users have reported significant productivity increases when support staff use Scientific WorkPlace instead of raw LaTeX to typeset documents. Both technical and non-technical users can quickly learn to enter and number equations, create tables and matrices, and import and create graphics, all with pleasing on-screen mathematics and italics created with TrueType outline fonts.

Scientific WorkPlace has the tools that simplify writing and editing books and other large documents. It is perfect for writers in academic, industrial, and government institutions and in all scientific and technical fields: mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, medical research, and logic. With the external lookup feature, you can access or run external programs, such as a search engine or other application, directly from your Scientific WorkPlace document.

The software comes with an extensive online help system and a series of reference manuals. If you need additional help, MacKichan Software provides reliable, prompt, free technical support.

產品規格 :

Product box contents


System requirements

  • Microsoft WindowsR 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, and up, or NT 4.0
    Apple MacintoshR running an emulator program such as Virtual PC™ or Parallels
  • 64 MB of RAM
  • 115 to 400 MB hard disk space, depending on the type of hard drive and the installation options selected
  • CD-ROM drive





版本規格 : Scientific WorkPlace 5.5 for Windows 學生版

授權期限 : 賣斷

作業系統 : Windows

語言介面 : 英文

供應廠商 : MacKichan Software, Inc.台灣代理商 祺荃企業有限公司


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