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合友唱片 德弗札克: 斯拉夫舞曲集 湯馬斯.布勞納 指揮 布拉格交響樂團 Tomas Brauner CD SU4332

專輯類型: 1CD
發行年份: 2023
國際條碼: 0099925433222
音樂廠牌: Supraphon上揚
一次付清特價 690
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
運  費單店購物車滿 5000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 80
郵局 80
7-11取貨付款 60
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全家純取貨 60***
商品所在地 台北市
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德弗札克: 斯拉夫舞曲集
湯馬斯.布勞納 指揮

Slavonic Dances with the Prague Symphony Orchestra – Dvorak in good hands

Highly impressed by the Moravian Duets, even though the set had yet to be issued, the Berlin-based publisher Fritz Simrock wrote to the young Antonin Dvorak, commissioning from him another work and outlining his idea of its being in the fashion of Brahms's Hungarian Dances. The composer duly sketched the first series of Slavonic Dances within a few hours, and completed the version for piano four hands in three weeks. At the same time, he worked on the orchestration. In an extensive essay in the National-Zeitung in Berlin, the influential critic Louis Ehlert lauded Dvorak so keenly that he brought the then unknown Czech artist overnight fame: "I consider the Slavonic Dances a piece that will circle the world just as Brahms's Hungarian Dances have … Divine naturalness circulates in this music … Dvorak writes such cheerful and singular basslines that the heart of a true musician jumps for joy … I think how wonderful it would be to see once again emerging a musician about whom we would need to argue as little as about spring." During the first year after its publication, selected Slavonic Dances were performed in Prague, New York, Boston, London, Berlin, Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne, Bonn, Nice, Graz, Lucerne, and other cities … Dvorak's music is deeply engraved in the DNA of the Prague Symphony Orchestra, who have performed it under conductors of such renown as Jiri Belohlavek, Charles Mackerras, Vaclav Neumann, Tomas Netopil, etc. The new recording, made with Tomas Brauner, the orchestra's current music director, draws upon an illustrious interpretation tradition, with its rounded and transparent sound capturing the best qualities of the exquisite Art Nouveau Smetana Hall of the Municipal House in Prague.

Antonin Dvorak
Slavonic Dances, Series I., Op. 46, B 83
1. I in C major. Presto 04:26
2. II in E minor. Allegretto scherzando 05:17
3. III in A flat major. Poco allegro 05:03
4. IV in F major. Tempo di menuetto 07:30
5. V in A major. Allegro vivace 03:30
6. VI in D major (Allegretto scherzando) 06:13
7. VII in C minor. Allegro assai 03:39
8. VIII in G minor. Presto 04:47
Antonin Dvorak
Slavonic Dances, Series II., Op. 72, B 147
9. I in B major. Molto vivace 04:36
10. II in E minor. Allegretto grazioso 06:02
11. III in F major. Allegro 03:52
12. IV in D flat major. Allegretto grazioso 05:27
13. V in B flat minor. Poco adagio 02:49
14. VI in B flat major. Moderato, quasi minuetto 04:13
15. VII in C major. Presto 03:26
16. VIII in A flat major. Lento grazioso, quasi tempo di valse 07:37



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