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Canl awomnas mygrabbing monsters nha mixed feengs about her lorat the time the Grand DukeshemayalsDmitri wdependent on her financial support as were a variety of others (Diaas was clear from her very firstStravinsky et al)Buther substantial wealth was entirely eclipsed byhisdinner with WestmFor here was a man, liCapel before him, who could provide her with absolute financial security,she chose not to accept it, yet whose fidelity could never be guaraChanels hesitation, for several months, before embarking upon an affair wDuke is suggestive, amongst other things, of her uncertainty when facethis complex equation of loss and gain, or the unanswerable question of wlove, like money, could be counted upon nthefavoured Westminster over Dmitri   chose thebut she could never fully trustbothin their lackend,oneshe told Claude Delwho protected meeither There were good reasons not to dwassommen were  womanisers  and yet perhaps thereof commitment that was familiar todetermination with which she had obscuredfathers daughter, bearing the nameher. After all, despite eher origins, Chanel remained herandlegacy ofher life a man who had broken his promisehaving made his fortune.a manand her beliefwhothathad vanished fromhe would returnt was as impossible for Chanel as it was for anyone to ignore Westminstersand power, however resolved she may have been to remain independent.wealthWestminster is the richest man in England, perhaps in Europe, she said toa caveat in parenthesis (No one knows this, not evenhim, especially not him.) n fact, everyone knew it, including Bendor, for hisMorand, before addingthisfirstlyinheritance was an essential part of his identity, emblematic of his sense ofhimself. Having made this odd disclaimer, Chanel continued, I mentionbecause at such a level wealth is no longer vulgar, it is located well beyond envyand it assumes catastrophic proportions but I mention it above all because itmakes Westminster the last offspring of a vanished civilisation, a palaeontologicalcuriosityAsshe described Westminster to Morand in 1946,her ambivalence about him(and about Englishmen, or possibly all men) was threaded through with genuineher unhappiness had solidified into bitterness, even malice. Ten years of my lifehave been spent with Westminster, she said, eliding the many years thereafter,affection, of the kind that Chanel rarely expressed at that point in her life, whenand with them his164 CHANELthird marriage (in 1930, to Loelia Ponsonby, the decorousCZURa royal courtier)aandthe Second World War. 'Beneath his clumsyskilful hunter. You'd have to be skilful to hang on to me for tene ten years were spent living very lovingly and very amicably withve remained friends. I loved him, or I thought I loved him, whichthe same thing. He is courtesy itself, kindness personified. He ,generation of well-brought-up men. All Englishmen, for that matter,ghtuntil they reach Calais at least.she knew the stories about his two wives and multiple mistressesh Bendor was beguiling, she had already lost her heart to anwho then broke it twice over. 'I am sure it was Boy who sentto me,' she told Claude Delay, as if the English still stuck together,fterlife. But to Paul Morand, she declared, 'Westminster liked mes French. English women are possessive and cold. Men get boredone thinking of one Englishwoman in particular: of Diana Capel? In acurious quirk of coincidence- or as she saw it, fate, orchestrated by Boy Capelfrom beyond the grave - she had found herself being pursued by Diana's firsthusband's half-brother. This might have had no significance, were it not for thehad represented a way into thefact that Dianabut the entr?e offered to Coco byBendor wasBritish aristocracy for Boy Capel;infinitely grander. Even as shetried to remain aloof, he wooed her with the fruits of his land and his riches; attimes quite literally, sending baskets ofexotic produce that he had pickedhimself from his hothouses at Eaton, and gardenias and orchids from hisOnce, during the Duke's ardent courtship of Chanel, a crate of freshdelivered to her in Paris.gardens.vegetables wascontents, he discovereda largebottom. On another occasion,Whenthe butler unpacked itsuncut emerald hidden in a jewel case at theChanel's manservanta vast bouquet of flowers hiding the face ofto tip him when he recognised him asonCoco at Rue Cambon withthehe was a royal equal, even as hesuccumbed to hischarms.By the spring of 1924,Princepaidtheanswered the door to finddeliveryman, and was just aboutBendor. A few daysof Wales at hiscourt to her;soonlater,theDuke calledside, as if to prove thatafterwards, she finallyproduction forwhich she hadCoco and Bendor were an item: he was seen atrehearsals for Le Train bleu, the Ballets Russescostumes; and she joined him fordesignedtheA yacht, shecruiseslater remarked to Claude Delay, was by faraboard thetheFlying Cloud.best placeto beginCHANEL 165





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