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The legend of ‘red jade talisman’

On the most luxurious ‘Gold Star’ bed train in history, a fantasy adventure across time and space and exploring the supreme gods of Daoshu is about to begin...
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【書名】The legend of ‘red jade talisman’
◎作者:Tseng Hsiang─Yun
【本書特色】On the most luxurious ‘Gold Star’ bed train in history, a fantasy adventure across time and space and exploring the supreme gods of Daoshu is about to begin...
◎The author is a senior novel writer and university lecturer. He is better at reasoning novels and is well received by all walks of life.
◎Unique narrative technique opens an adventure story that spans time and space and explores the supreme deity of Taoism.

‘Gold Star’is the most luxurious sleeper train in human history, it should have been a great pleasure to take it, but a group of complex passengers, everyone is difficulty to understand, and reveal an exotic love beyond time and life, brings more death mysteries.
The love story turns into a clue to solve the riddle of‘ red jade talisman’for Yang Ru and Gu chang zch, countless setbacks and strange things keep going in the process of finding thing based this clue, accomplishes a legend of‘ red jade talisman’, but what is the‘ secret’after it?

The authority item of Taoism ─‘red jade talisman’likes jade and amulet, can cure diseases and drives out the evil spirits…has infinite fuctions, caused innumerable weaves in the Tao world, it was handed down several times by some Taoists, after all, its whereabout is unkown, one of‘ Seven elites in Tao faction’─ Yang Jingsong, his great grandson─Yang Ru, and another member of it─Wu Hao ying, his son─ Wu Maolin protects the youth─Gu chang zch, the two young men shares the mission of finding‘red jade talisman’, so they went from the electric street ofTaiwan to the palace train of Japan, back to hair pins shop, drama stage, remote village in the country.
During this period, they are deeply moved by the Taoist’s spirit and the ninja’ soul,
And explore the wonders of drama, achieves the mission, however, there is a deeper level of Taoism realm for them to visit.
Tseng Hsiang─Yun

Education background:
Master of Education of Oklahoma University in U.S.A.
Reserached teaching English Ph.D class of Essex University in U.K.

English Lecture in Lingdong University of Science and Technology.
Published short stories in magazines: ‘Crown’, ‘Fictions’ Family’, ‘Whodunit’.
Published the fiction ‘Red fox’in 2012.
Published the fiction ‘The night eye of Dubai’‘Kite of Tahiti’in 2013.
Published the fiction‘The source of ice inU.K’in2015.
Published the fiction‘ The legend of “red jade talisman”’in 2017
Specialties: writing, infer and think, cut and cook.
Hobbies: computer network, read, delicious food, movie and TV, travel, live hotel, collect hotel rooms’ cards.
Motto: insist self’s independence, respect independence of others.

Foreword The accident of rooftop

Part one Seven elites in Tao faction
Part two Japan amazing train trip
Part three The pains and sorrows of plum blossom hair pin
Part four The treasures were left in the world
End The brilliance of crystal and jade

Part one Seven elites in Tao faction

Only a little time, Gu chang zch already has got into a stone world from the dead roof top .
There are different kinds of stones in a narrow living room.
Various colors and shapes: water red, light green, shallow yellow, usual black and brown…
lunar, rectangle, circle, lotus, lion head, even flute, knife…
It is too unbelievable!
‘All stones are natural, not artificial, right? ’
Gu chang zch has not yet recovered from his surprise in this stone world─a scent flutters over.
The old man asks him come to table to eat something.
‘Wow! ’
Gu chang zch marvels at the dishes in front of him.
All appliances are made by stones.
Stone roast meat, pickle is put on the small light blue stone bowl, oat cakes are arranged with a stone plate, turnip soup is taking heat in the stone soup pot .
The wine which is filled in a pair of stone goblets gives a seductive color.
‘Even I die, also want to be stuff. ’
Gu chang zch talked by himself.
He sits down and enjoys all dishes on the dinning table.
The old man relaxes for his good appetizer by the side.
‘After finishing this meal, I maybe come back the rooftop again. ’
Gu chang zch is still in the dull.
The old man just smiles;he seemed to have something telling Gu chang zch.
‘Most of stones were collected by my father. ’
He said, then, drinks one bite of wine.
‘He was a Chinese medicine doctor. ’
‘He was favor on these stones─ thought them to be sturdy and have spirituality from nature. ’
‘So, when I was a child, had already seen so many strange stones, and I am also used to the weird for them. ’
He scratched his sideburns a little.
‘Once, he brought a blood red, shine jade that was similar to talisman,wrapped with the white silk which had red patterns. ‘
‘He did not put the red jade with other stones unusually, just hided it privately. ’
ISBN/EISBN 9789865526450


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