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Adapt and Transform ~ The Art of Self-Healing/9786267056547

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【書名】Adapt and Transform ~ The Art of Self-Healing
◎作者:Jessie Li Hung Lee
Based on true stories about TCM/ Oriental Medicine and spirituality. You will be astonished at how much TCM can achieve.

The book originated from the author’s intention to introduce the principle of acupuncture to her children. In describing the true stories of clinical experiences of healing the body and mind by practicing TCM, it becomes clear to the author that we all possess innate healing power within. How to retain holistic health is a personal responsibility.

You will learn to adapt and transform while observing the natural cycle of life - Birth, aging, sickness, and death so that you may live in elegance even through darkness and suffering.

This book also contains true stories about clinical cases of TCM healing methods such as acupuncture, moxibustion, scraping, cupping, and many of self-healing using energy and spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Jessie Li Hung Lee was born in Taiwan and immigrated to South America after elementary school. She went on to live in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Mexico before coming to the USA.
Before becoming a TCM doctor, she worked as an architecture and urban designer, school art teacher, educator and school principal.
Dr. Lee shares her father's and sisters' passion for acupuncture and strives to become a healer for her patients, family, friends and herself.
She obtained her Oriental Medicine Master's degree in 2014, Doctorate in 2017, and NCCAOM in 2019. Dr. Lee is currently practicing OM/TCM in her California clinic, always striving to teach her patients self-healing arts.
Like a chameleon, she constantly adapts to changes and continues transforming and uplifting herself to be a better person.

Birth, Fading, Sickness, Death & Revival

A little girl asked her master,
“I have a doggy, and this doggy died, so I don’t know how not to be sad?”

Master replied, “You look into the sky, and you see a beautiful cloud, the cloud has become the rain, and when you drink your tea, you can see your cloud in your tea.”

- “Walk With Me” by Thich Nhat Hanh

When I looked at a cup of tea, I said, “Hi cloud!”
Now when I hold onto acupuncture needles, I say, “Hi, Dad!”
- Dr. Jessie Lee


Childhood Journey

A kid’s Question
Touch For Healing
Walking Light Bulb
Diving Board & Diarrhea
A knee & a Sack of Lemons

Exotic Healing Journey

Postpartum Depression
Ant & the Milky Way
Lying On a Cloud

Acupuncture Practitioner Journey

Again, Headache
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
The Younger, the Active. The Older, the Wiser
Antennas On the Head
Hey, Is That Abuse?
Pepperoni Mark, Cupping, Healing
I Will Fix You
It’s Moxa, Not Marijuana
Magic Holographic Therapy
Infant Care

Acupuncture Practitioner Journey

Why Warm
Exercise Healing-Life Energy Flow
Sleep Healing & Twelve Circadian Cycle
16/8 Intermittent Fasting
Diet & Body Types

Energy Healing Journey

Seeing Things From the Top Down
Wind Invasion
Same Virus but Variable Symptoms
Four Seasons & Twenty-Four Seasons
Cosmic Medicine, Sixty Animals
Into Energy Medicine

Natural Healing Journey

Spirit Medicine
Crystal Healing
Light Therapy
Clearing & Resetting
The Next Step
Oneness & Wholeness
Everything Can Be a Healing Remedy
6-A Knee & A Sack of Lemons
Gratitude isn’t about giving and receiving valuable items, but about the heart’s intention and the mind’s thoughts.
Dr. Jessie Lee


Because of WWII, my father lost contact with his family due to Taiwan and China’s political tension. My father was sixty years old at the time and hadn’t heard any news from his family for over thirty-one years. He missed them terribly during their lengthy separation. The only way he could contact his family was to send mail from foreign countries. As a result, he moved our family to Bolivia in an attempt to reestablish contact with his family.
When we lived in Bolivia, my father served as an independent part-time pastor for the Chinese church and a full-time businessman to raise our family. We owned a small potato chip factory and had a few Bolivian employees.
It was lovely in South America. I still remember the scent of fresh grain, cows, horses, and the dust rising lazily from the dirt roads, filling the air with a natural scent I’ve always loved. The dust often turned the atmosphere pale yellow, blanketing the city. The sky looked so close it seemed as if one could almost touch it. It felt very different from Taiwan’s hot and humid atmosphere, where the sky appeared high and impossible to reach.
One day, a nineteen-year-old worker from the factory approached my father. Tears were running down his face.
“Can I borrow some money from you?” The young man asked. “My right knee hurt so I went to the doctor, and they told me I needed surgery. If the surgery is unsuccessful, they’d have to cut off my leg! My family can’t afford the surgery. I am scared and I don’t know what to do.”
My father replied, “Why don’t you give acupuncture a try? I can help you for free.” The boy looked surprised and confused. “What is that?” He asked.
“In China, we used acupuncture to treat illnesses and diseases for thousands of years,
including knee pain,” my father explained. “With God’s will, it’s usually effective. Let’s try acupuncture at least eight to ten times to help with your knee. In a month, if the needles don’t help, then I can lend you money for your surgery.”
The young man agreed. I watched my father put needles into not only his knee but also into his elbows, hands, and his back. He’d sometimes combine blood-letting and cupping too. I stood by his side and was always eager to help. My father would assign me simple tasks such as passing him cotton balls, alcohol, and needles. I felt proud that I was his little personal assistant.
My father treated the young man twice a week for five weeks. The young man’s knee healed, and he no longer required surgery.

Later he brought his whole family - his father, mother, and sister to our home. They came bearing a sack of lemons as a gift to show their appreciation for my father’s help. I was surprised at the effectiveness of the needles. Even though I was only in junior
high school at the time, the experience evoked my curiosity towards the tiny stainless steel needles. It left many questions swirling in my head but cemented into my memory the gratitude of the young man and his family - with delicious lemons.

以上內容節錄自《Adapt and Transform ~ The Art of Self-Healing》Jessie Li Hung Lee◎著.白象文化出版
ISBN/EISBN 9786267056547


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