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The Fall of a President/9786263642546

Chen Shui-bian is one of the most consequential -- and controversial -- politicians in Taiwan’s modern history.
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【書名】The Fall of a President
◎作者:Osman C.H. Tseng曾慶祥
Chen Shui-bian is one of the most consequential -- and controversial -- politicians in Taiwan’s modern history.
He broke the political grip of the ruling Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), winning the presidency in 2000 and paving the way for the first peaceful transfer of power to the opposition – the Democratic Progressive Party.
But he was also convicted in four corruption-related criminal cases, and his actions inflicted great political harm on a young democracy. Ultimately, Chen will be remembered as the first president of Taiwan to be sentenced to jail.
Chen’s intriguing story deserves retelling, and veteran journalist Osman Tseng is uniquely suited to the task. Tseng’s journalistic career spanned more than four decades with the Chinese language China Times as well as English media outlets, the China Post, and the China Economic News Service (CENS). This gave him a choice vantage point for observing Chen’s political ascent and the dramatic legal battles of his eventual downfall.

Osman C. H. Tseng (曾慶祥) is the author of the book The Fall of a President. During his journalistic career of more than four decades, he wrote numerous news analyses, editorials, and commentaries about Taiwan's political development and democratic reform. His writings covered the crucial reform period of Lee Teng-hui's presidency (1989 - 2000), which saw the amending of the ROC constitution, a parliamentary overhaul, a change in the presidential system allowing a direct, popular vote for Taiwan's highest office, as well as the constitutionalizing of civil exchanges with mainland China.

In The Fall of a President, Osman Tseng recounts how former President Chen Shui-bian, once considered an icon of Taiwan's democracy, became better known as a symbol of official corruption and disgrace. Tseng gives a comprehensive account of the various corruption cases that ultimately led to Chen's conviction and sentencing to jail. Tseng also details how Chen Shui-bian during his two terms as president, repeatedly provoked Beijing and Washington with his pro-independence words and deeds.

Osman Tseng is also the author of A Self-Made Man -- a work that narrates his own life story. In that account, Tseng tells his readers how someone with little formal education and after 18 years in the military could ultimately become a professional journalist and a widely read English writer.

Chen Shui-bian is one of the most consequential -- and controversial -- politicians in Taiwan’s modern history. The former lawyer who rose from a humble farming background was instrumental in Taiwan’s transformation from authoritarian rule to the thriving democracy of today. It was Chen who broke the political grip of the ruling Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), winning the presidency in 2000 and paving the way for the first peaceful transfer of power to the opposition – the Democratic Progressive Party. But Chen, who was later convicted in four corruption-related criminal cases, was also responsible for inflicting great political harm on a young democracy and staining the office of the president. The lengthy court battles that ensued and the damaging testimony that emerged undermined his important accomplishments, convincing even some of his closest allies in the push for democratic reform to abandon him. Ultimately, Chen will be remembered as the first president of Taiwan to be sentenced to jail.

William Kazer
(William Kazer is a former correspondent for Reuters and the Wall Street Journal as well as a CENS alumnus)

The Fall of a President is a work about Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan’s charismatic but controversial former leader. Chen served as the president of Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China, from 2000 to 2008, leaving behind a dizzyingly mixed legacy that ran the gamut from praise for his inspirational democratic ideals to vexation and condemnation for his crass and venal behavior. That legacy also included social and political divisions that are not fully healed today.
Several factors compelled me to write this book. First and foremost, the ex-president provides a classic example of how “power corrupts.” In 2000, he came to office pledging to combat corruption and ensure clean government. But eight years later, after stepping down from office, he was prosecuted for taking bribes and money laundering in his official capacity, as well as obstruction of justice.
About the Author

1 Fall from Grace
2 An Examination of Chen Shui-bian’s Multiple Graft Cases
3 How the Chen Family Laundered Money across the Globe
4 Turning Divisive Issues into Political Assets
5 Elected to a Second Term
6 Tensions with Beijing Near Boiling Point
7 Endorsing a ‘Second Republic’ Constitution
8 Applying to Join the WHO as ‘Taiwan’
9 A Bid to Join the United Nations
10 Pushing for a Referendum on Joining the U.N.
11 Chen Shui-bian’s Legacy as President

Chapter 1
Fall from Grace

Making History Twice

Chen Shui-bian made history twice in his remarkable political career. In March 2000, he successfully toppled the long-ruling Kuomintang (KMT) in a historic popular vote to become Taiwan’s first president from an opposition party. That ended over a half-century of authoritarian KMT rule and ushered in a vibrant two-party political system in Taiwan, formally known as the Republic of China. His electoral victory at the head of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) earned him the adulation of many who had longed for a more open political system that truly reflected the will of the people. They saw Chen as a shining symbol of Taiwan’s young democracy.
In November 2008, a few months after completing his eight years in office, Chen made history once again, albeit in a much less laudable fashion; he became Taiwan’s first president arrested for suspected corruption. He was found guilty and sentenced to 17-and-a-half years in jail for taking bribes in a land procurement deal and as payment for an appointment to office. The sentence was later extended to 20 years -- the maximum prison time allowed in his case -- after he was found guilty on two more corruption charges, one involving the taking of bribes from a financial firm and another related to money laundering.
All four convictions also involved the president’s wife, Wu Shu-chen. She was found guilty in a fifth and separate corruption case linked to a scandal involving kickbacks on the construction of the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, a conference and exhibition complex designed to showcase Taiwan’s status in the global economy. Instead, it put on display Taiwan’s murky nexus between business and politics. Despite the additional offense, Mrs. Chen was given the same 20-year sentence as her husband due to the legal limits on sentencing. She was also spared the ignominy of serving time in jail because of poor health and serious physical disabilities. She was wheelchair-bound after being run over by a truck some two decades earlier.
Around the world, it is not unheard of to have a top government leader charged with corruption after leaving office. Sometimes it is a matter of the wheels of justice turning slowly toward a righteous conclusion long after the transfer of power. At other times, particularly in less mature and more malleable legal systems, it is a matter of an incumbent using the powers of office to strike at a former political opponent. In the case of Chen Shui-bian, both claims were made as to the nature of the charges against him. But in the pages that follow, it is hoped that the reader will see that a fair analysis makes clear this was hardly a case of political persecution, despite the charges leveled by Chen’s supporters as well as some prominent, neutral observers. It was, however, truly head-spinning that the former president was found guilty of so many separate instances of graft. His humble origin and stellar career made this a stunning fall from grace. This was a man born into a tenant farming family in the rural township of Guantian in southern Taiwan. In this largely agricultural area, traditional values, such as honesty and integrity, have long been instilled in homes and schools. It was true in 1951 – the year Chen Shui-bian was born. It still holds today, even in this somewhat more cynical day and age.
Chen Shui-bian obtained a bachelor’s degree in commercial law from the prestigious National Taiwan University in 1974. He passed the bar exam during his junior year and entered the legal profession shortly after graduation. All of this might have pointed to the acquisition of a healthy respect for the law.
In his early years in the legal profession,
ISBN/EISBN 9786263642546


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